Thursday, February 2, 2012

We had to leave for Florida - The four foot snow owls were coming!

And so once again, two people, married 37 years decide to test their marriage and head back to Florida for a month.  Before leaving, Larry announced that he read in the paper that a migration of 4 foot snow owls was coming to the metro area.  Needless to say, this was upsetting to all those who love and fear for Joey's safety(Aimee and myself). However, after some discussion, Aimee realized that a 4 foot snow owl would be the size of her niece, Ryan, and that just didn't make sense.  As it turns out, the wind span could be up to 4 feet on a snow owl -WO-HOO! - Joey is safe and we are on our way to Florida.


Our first stop - Dallas

We could not go a whole month without seeing our beautiful grandchildren and their beloved parents in Dallas.  Oh boy, they were ready for us.  We had a gondola ride - the almost real kind - with singing gondolier and drinks of choice. Very classy!  Then we had a late brunch with everything I could ever want to eat.  Ryan was so happy - she began with her own dish of butter!  Zane chose the shredded cheese while the rest of us piled our plates with custom omlets, pancakes, croissants, sausages and fruits of every kind!  After brunch, we waddled over to see Jenny's new office - yes, she has windows! - and a personal tour of what makes her job happy - the popcorn machine!  Below is our singing gondolier.

There is only so much you can get from a phone conversation, YOU JUST HAVE TO BE THERE TO EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF RYAN AND ZANE - and we did!

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