Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recharged! But still missing the fam!

Ah!  The shell collecton grows.  Larry feels they will make great gifts for the family.  I think, only if they have money stuffed in them!  So we are open to suggestions as to how best to use them. 

This is the beginning of our photos from Anna Maria Island.  We arrived and had to immediately eat.  Quelle Suprize! We went to 'Rotten Ralph's' for lunch.  The waitress there was condescending in a overly pleasant way.  Carol suggested we leave her no tip!  Which brought out all the penny tip stories as well as the "Putch's Coffee House' story.  (Not suitable for the young blogger) We have disgraced ourselves at many places. Our waitress overheard our conversation and needless to say our service slowed to a crawl.

On the way out of the restaurant there was a lovely 'thinking' spot.
 This garden door is part of the whimsey of the shopping area.  We are now discussing what business we could add to the island and thus write off all future trips to the island.  Right now it's either a restaurant or a shop that sells products made from sea shells.   Either way, we plan to abuse the tourist!
 When I saw this, I thought of my creative  artist in Dallas.  Definitely, we will be selling her Christmas ornaments in the business!

We had to pose in what is possibly our signature pose on the beach where Jimmy was married.
 The best for last!  This is the house we plan to buy with the earnings from our outrageously successful business.  The whole family will fit! 

1 comment:

  1. I love these! Hope you guys decide to print out the blog into a book that you can show the grandkids!

