Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Who needs sunshine when you have the Dickersons???????

Our blessings from Kansas City arrived today = Julie and Bill Dickerson.  They arrive on a warm sunny afternoon and as per their usual experience here, climate change occurs!  At least we have a spectacular sunset to share.

Monday brings the rain and Larry  brings the car!  We always have a plan for our time with Bill and Julie - and we pretty much have to change that plan for the weather.  Our resident weather man has predicted sunny but cooler weather - HUMPH1  That's why we let him park the car everywhere we go - its pouring down rain.

The altered plan is to go to the Clearwater Beach Aquarium, a marine life rescue center which is the home of  Winter, the dolphin with the prosthetic tail.  It's Monday, we are about to be pummeled with rain, so of course when we get to the aquarium , there is a huge line for tickets.  But we are happy just to share the day( ignore that floating head)!

Winter is in good form - shown here swimming with her newest tail.


Winter now has a new life companion - Hope!  We now know we need to see "Dolphin Tale 2" to complete our education.

  There are several sting ray in the pool that are touchable!  Bill and Julie, as you can see, are eager for this experience.

From the aquarium, we drive into downtown Clearwater to the 'Dolphin Tale Experience' - a building housing props from the movie.  Below is my interpretation of a woman caught in a hurricane.  Think Hollywood will be calling any time soon???

But thank heaven it's past lunch time.  We shorten our visit and perhaps give up on a career in the movies.  Larry has a new restaurant for us to try.  It's Ozona Blue in Palm Harbor.

And it's early Happy Hour!!  This is us after having two for one drinks

And after 2 for 1 drinks, Bill has an idea!!! Bowling!  YAY!

Larry vs Ball

Bill vs Ball
As you can see, Julie puts a lot of thought into everything she does.

I kid you not, Bill and Julie always look like this!  Cutest Couple Ever!

After bowling, we make a quick stop at Publix grocery store.  The sunset supplies are running low. You cannot have a sunset without a toast. Then its off to see if the rain will diminish the sunset.

After many pictures taken of the sunset, Bill has another idea - "Let's just enjoy it".

1 comment:

  1. Pat, you say the nicest things! You guys are the perfect hosts and we're having SO much fun��.
